Remedios Varo

Museum Exhibition Catalogues, Monographs, Artist's Projects, Curatorial Writings and Essays


Remedios Varo: The Mexican Years
Remedios Varo: The Mexican Years

Between mysticism and modernity: the magical surrealism of Remedios Varo

Hbk, 9.5 x 11 in. / 120 pgs / illustrated throughout. | 10/31/2012 | Out of stock

On Homo rodans and Other Writings

An updated, expanded edition of Remedios Varo’s translated writings, including pieces never before published in any language

Pbk, 5.25 x 8 in. / 184 pgs / 5 bw. | 6/11/2024 | Awaiting stock

On Homo rodans and Other WritingsOn Homo rodans and Other Writings

Published by Wakefield Press.
By Remedios Varo. Edited with translation by Margaret Carson.

With the 2018 publication of Letters, Dreams, and Other Writings, Wakefield Press introduced the writings of Surrealist painter Remedios Varo into English for the first time. These texts, never published during her lifetime, present something of a missing chapter, and offer the same qualities to be found in her visual work: an engagement with mysticism and magic, a breakdown of the border between the everyday and the marvelous, a love of mischief and an ongoing meditation on escape in all its forms. This new, expanded volume brings together the painter’s collected writings, an unpublished interview, letters to friends and acquaintances, dream accounts, notes for unrealized projects, a project for a theater piece, whimsical recipes for controlled dreaming, exercises in Surrealist automatic writing and prose-poem commentaries on her paintings. It also includes her longest manuscript, the pseudoscientific "On Homo rodans": an absurdist study of the wheeled predecessor to Homo sapiens (the skeleton of which Varo had built out of chicken bones). Written by the invented anthropologist Hälikcio von Fuhrängschmidt, the essay utilizes eccentric Latin and a tongue-in-cheek pompous discourse to explain the origins of the first umbrella and in what ways “Myths” are merely “corrupted Myrtles.” Also included are newly discovered writings, including three short stories, never before published in any language.
Remedios Varo (1908–63) was a Surrealist painter who worked in Spain, France and Mexico. Her paintings were influenced by Old Masters such as Bosch and El Greco, as well as Jungian philosophy and occult writings. While living in Mexico she became close friends with fellow Surrealist Leonora Carrington.

Wakefield Press

Paperback, 5.25 x 8 in. / 184 pgs / 5 bw.

Pub Date

D.A.P. Exclusive
Catalog: SPRING 2024 p. 20   

ISBN 9781939663917 TRADE
List Price: $17.95 CDN $27.95 GBP £13.99

Awaiting stock

STATUS: Forthcoming | 6/11/2024

This title is not yet published in the U.S. To pre-order or receive notice when the book is available, please email orders @

Remedios Varo: The Mexican YearsRemedios Varo: The Mexican Years

Published by RM.
Text by Masayo Nonaka.

Remedios Varo: The Mexican Years offers a definitive survey of the life and work of a singularly appealing and mysterious Surrealist painter. Born and raised in Spain, Remedios Varo received her earliest training in Madrid before fleeing the Spanish Civil War in 1937 to join Surrealist circles in Paris. The outbreak of World War II forced her to take refuge in Mexico, where she remained until her untimely death in 1963, and where she created her most enduring work. Known as one of the three “brujas” (witches) active in the Mexico City art milieu, Varo shared an interest in esotericism with fellow painter Leonora Carrington and a range of interests in science, philosophy and the literature of German Romanticism with the photographer Kati Horna. For some ten years, from the mid–1950s until her death in 1963, Varo devoted herself to creating an extraordinary dreamlike oeuvre, on the threshold between mysticism and modernity. Her beautifully crafted images of medieval interiors, occult workshops and androgynous figures engaged in alchemical pursuits evoke the eerie allegories of Hieronymus Bosch, esoteric engravings and the charm and lure of fairytales. This catalogue includes a complete illustrated chronology with never before published images and describes Varo’s role in the Mexican Surrealist movement and her relations with Luis Buñuel, Octavio Paz, Benjamin Péret, Alice Rahon, Wolfgang Paalen and many others.

Remedios Varo (1908–1963) fled the Spanish Civil War and then World War II to settle in Mexico where she helped establish a Mexican Surrealist movement and painted visions that combined modernism with mysticism. She was married to the leading French Surrealist Benjamin Péret.


Hardcover, 9.5 x 11 in. / 120 pgs / illustrated throughout.

Pub Date

D.A.P. Exclusive
Catalog: FALL 2012 p. 36   

ISBN 9788415118220 TRADE
List Price: $45.00 CDN $60.00

Out of stock

STATUS: Out of stock

Temporarily out of stock pending additional inventory.

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